Innovation corner

There is always one more shot to solve the unsolved problem. Tinkering around, entering the unknown and starting over again is our approach to push the boundaries and create next level innovations. Stay tuned for PreonLab updates, new researches, groundbreaking innovation and upcoming events.

“Why can’t I run PreonLab on my GPU?” We often heard this question and didn’t have a good answer. But behind the scenes, we have been experimenting with GPUs for quite some time. We are excited to announce that we are finally ready. PreonLab 6.0 is here, and it changes everything. This is how: GPU Support using Nvidia CUDA: PreonLab 6.0 delivers the greatest leap in efficiency of any update so far. For a wide range of applications, a single GPU can deliver up to 6x faster performance compared to a state-of-the-art multi-socket CPU system. If you have the chance, please try PreonLab on GPU – you will not want to go back. A New Engine for PreonLab: We believe that the future of PreonLab is multi-platform. CUDA is an amazing platform, but it is not the only one we wish to explore in the future. To this end, we have rewritten our simulation core with platform independence in mind. Expect more on this in upcoming releases. Lateral Adhesion: The new experimental “Lateral Adhesion” option models droplet sticking and runoff behavior more accurately. This is important for applications such as tailgate runoff simulation. Improved User Interface: Various changes to the graphical user interface such as the new welcome screen make using PreonLab more enjoyable than ever. This is just a selection of new features and improvements. Check out the changelog to learn about all the changes.
June 29, 2023
Siddharth Marathe and Andreas Henne
“Time is money”. In the world of simulation this means being able to perform reliable simulations, faster. Throughout its development, PreonLab has already introduced game-changing approaches, like its unique implicit IISPH formulation (learn more about it here) and advanced adaptive refinement and coarsening with Continuous Particle Size (read about it here) for efficient simulation on CPU hardware. Over the past decade, the development of more advanced GPUs has gathered up great speed and it is likely that this trend will continue in the future. Behind the scenes, we too have been experimenting with GPUs for some time now, to fully leverage their potential for PreonLab. Now, PreonLab’s code has been ported to run on GPUs making use of Nvidia’s proprietary CUDA API to push the speed-barrier for particle-based simulation even further.
June 22, 2023
Alexander Mayer
Slamming is a term that is often used in a maritime context to describe the sudden impact of the ship hull on a water surface. It leads to pressure spikes on the hull along with rapid and intricate deformations of the fluid surface. Physical testing, especially for large-scale applications in the maritime world, is not only time-consuming and expensive but often even unfeasible. Computational fluid dynamics can complement real-world experiments and hence reduce costs as well as accelerate development. However, simulating the water entry of solid bodies is no easy task. Using traditional grid-based methods requires periodical remeshing due to the moving geometry and discretizing the entire simulation domain. Particle-based simulation methods on the other hand can generate insights without these inconveniences, saving valuable computation time. This article aims to show how PreonLab can be used to simulate the water entry of free-falling rigid bodies.
May 31, 2023
Every Preoneer knows that with PreonLab we always strive to provide the most reliable, usable and efficient CFD software. But what if you could get your results even faster? PreonLab 6.0 will continue to push the boundaries of what is possible in the world of particle-based CFD. With the introduction of PreonLab being able to simulate on GPU hardware, there will be a performance boost that will provide you with results faster than ever before, following the principle: Make it Real… fast! And there is even more. Don‘t miss the latest updates and join us for this event, as we are already very excited to show you all that is new with PreonLab 6.0!
April 27, 2023
Ein Traum wird Wirklichkeit. – Die FIFTY2 Technology GmbH und die AVL Deutschland GmbH laden zum ersten PreonDay in die Motorworld nach Böblingen ein. An diesem Tag wird sich alles um die Simulationssoftware PreonLab und die PreonLab Community drehen. Der PreonDay richtet sich gleichermaßen an die User von PreonLab, als auch an die, die es noch werden wollen.  MAKE IT REAL.
April 26, 2023
Siddharth Marathe
Water wading simulations can complement physical tests in an efficient and reliable way to detect the failure modes which can occur due to the car’s motion through a significant amount of water, early in the design stage. As part of a rapid virtual prototyping strategy, multiple virtual prototypes are analyzed to reach the optimal designs for physical prototype testing. It is imperative to have a simulation software which offers quick setup times and short simulation times to meet this demand. PreonLab offers lean workflows along with its mesh-free simulation approach to keep simulation setup times extremely low, compared to conventional mesh-based simulation approaches. It also offers advanced adaptive refinement features to give fast and reliable results as well as powerful post-processing tools to analyze these results. This article aims to show you just how low simulation setup times can be – from importing your geometries, describing vehicle motion, setting up the fluid domain all the way up to hitting the simulate button.
February 06, 2023
Michael Reichl
Wie gewährleisten Sie, dass es in Ihrem Fahrzeug zu keinen Schädigungen durch Wasserkorrosion oder Eindringen von Wasser oder Schnee in ungewünschte Bereiche kommt? Durch aufwendige und späte physische Tests oder simulieren Sie schon? Lernen Sie den Marktführer im Bereich SPH-Simulation PreonLab kennen! PreonLab bietet eine maßgeschneiderte Lösung, um bereits während der Konstruktionsphase Ihre Bauteile zu bewerten und zu optimieren. Dabei können auf einfachste Weise komplexe Bauteile und Bewegungen simuliert und bewertet werden. Im Gegensatz zu klassischen, auf finiten Volumen basierten CFD-Methoden, ist die Diskretisierung des Berechnungsvolumens nicht erforderlich und auch die Aufbereitung von CAD-Daten ist nicht notwendig. Mit minimalem Aufwand und sehr kurzen Rechenzeiten von wenigen Tagen bis hin zu Stunden können Sie die Wasserpfade im Fahrzeug simulieren. PreonLab sichert somit Ihre Entwicklung ab und reduziert die Zeit bis zur Markteinführung erheblich. Michael Reichl, Senior Berechnungsingenieur und langjähriger PreonLab User, zeigt Ihnen in unserem kostenfreien Live-Webinar, reale Beispielanwendungen aus dem Bereich Wassermanagement und Schneeablagerung. Sie erhalten als Teilnehmer die Möglichkeit, mit einer Testlizenz die Usability der GUI und Performance des Solvers selbst zu testen und zu erleben. Melden Sie sich jetzt an und seien Sie mit dabei, wenn es heißt: „Virtual fluids. Real insights.“
January 18, 2023
Michael Reichl and Markus Ihmsen
Die Absicherung des Fahrzeugs und kritischer Komponenten gegenüber einem Wassereintritt gehört zu entscheidenden Versuchen in der Automobilentwicklung, ohne die keine Fahrzeugfreigabe erfolgt. Aus diesem Grund gehören die Wasserdurchfahrt und Fahrzeugberegnung zu den Standardtests in der Fahrzeugentwicklung. Diese dienen zum einen der Absicherung, dass kein Wasser in kritische Fahrzeugbereiche eindringt, wie z. B. in die Batterie, in elektrische Komponenten oder in die Lufteinlässe. Zum anderen dürfen die durch das Wasser verursachten Kräfte die Karosserie nicht beschädigen oder das Fahrzeug zum Aufschwimmen bringen. Immer mehr OEMs gehen daher den Weg, kostenintensive Prototypentests durch den virtuellen Versuch zu ersetzen, um frühzeitig Schwachstellen am Fahrzeug zu erkennen und zu optimieren. PreonLab unterstützt Sie in dieser frühen Entwicklungsphase, die richtigen Design-Entscheidungen zu treffen. Wasserdurchfahrten oder Fahrzeugbegegnungen lassen sich mit minimalem Aufwand und in kurzen Rechenzeiten von nur wenigen Tagen bis hin zu Stunden simulieren. PreonLab sichert somit Ihre Entwicklung ab und reduziert die Zeit zur Markteinführung erheblich.
December 08, 2022
Loïc Wendling and Siddharth Marathe
This test case aims to reproduce the results from the experiment done by Bennion and Gilberto [1] with PreonLab. They devised an experiment that measures the heat transfer of an impinging oil jet under different conditions. Some of those conditions are relevant for Electric Motor (E-Motor) cooling applications. The study is divided into two parts. The goal of the first part is to validate the simulation against both experimental data and existing empirical models on a flat target. For the second part, the flat target is replaced by a textured surface replicating the surface of a copper end-winding inside an E-Motor.
We are excited to announce the release of PreonLab 5.3. It improves upon features from previous releases and adds some useful new features. As always, our focus is on improving reliability, performance, and usability. Here are some of the highlights: Pathlines: This release adds more options to accurately select and track fluid in regions of interest. This includes tracking particles passing by geometries in a specified time interval. Airflow import: PreonLab 5.3 can better handle volumetric data saved to the Ensight Gold format and seamlessly integrates the airflow data into the simulation domain. Thermodynamics: PreonLab 5.3 introduces a new heat capacity modifier, which enables thermal simulations with solids to reach equilibrium faster. This is handy for thermal applications where the results from the steady state are the focus of the analysis. Usability & Workflow: Users can now track their action history for a single session and jump between two states with just a click of a button in the action log, which is a dedicated tab in the PreonLab GUI. This release also improves the plot dialog performance making it possible to consider an even larger amount of data for analysis than ever before. This is just a selection of new features and improvements. Check out the changelog to learn about all the changes.  Make sure to follow us on LinkedIn so that you don’t miss new videos, case studies and updates!